Offers of assistance

Monetary donations for aid organizations

In this overview, you will find a selection of established aid organizations that are involved in the context of Ukraine emergency aid Cash donations can be used more flexibly and efficiently by aid organizations or directly supported individuals, institutions and companies. 
Note on monetary donations: Monetary donations support experienced organisations in their work with people in areas of conflict. Relief organisations are already present in the affected areas and have partnerships and contacts there. They establish emergency shelters, provide people with medicine and warm clothes, and run field kitchens, for example.Monetary donations can be more flexibly and efficiently used by the relief organisations or by the people, facilities or companies they directly support

Aktionsbündnis Katatastrophenhilfe

The Aktionsbündis Katastrophenhilfe is made up of the Catholic relief organisation Caritas, the German Red Cross, UNICEF, and the catastrophe relief service of the German Protestant Church. The Aktionsbündnis is active in numerous crisis-hit regions across the world and also works in Ukraine.

Ärzte ohne Grenzen – Medicins sans Frontiers

The relief organisation Doctors without Borders works in many countries to provide citizens with medical care. The organisation has been active in Ukraine since 2014 and runs, among other things, a HIV project and offers mobile consultations in the eastern part of the country. Doctors without Borders also work to ensure that people have access to healthcare facilities and medicines.

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.

The Johanniter distribute essential aid supplies in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. In Germany they also take care of refugees arriving from Ukraine.

Unicef: Support the special appeal for children in need

Due to the war in Ukraine NGO UNICEF has set up an aid appeal intended to help the 7.5 million children in Europe’s second biggest country. “The situation for the children is drastic,” says Michaela Bauer, Deputy Representative UNICEF Ukraine. “Everything is lacking. Fleeing families with children desperately need water, food and medical assistance.”
The relief organisation supports fleeing families with things such as sanitary articles, towels and blankets, gas burners to keep warm, batteries for torches for example, fuel and first-aid kits.

Mission Lifeline

Mission Lifeline is organising a convoy for refugees at the Slovakian-Ukrainian border.


Diakonie provides catastrophe and crisis assistance in Ukraine. Our partner organisation Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HiA) distributes food and toiletries to refugees in Ukraine. We are closely cooperating with other partners and networks to provide immediate help, for example food, drinking water, or emergency shelters. As a first step we’re providing 500,000 EUR.
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